Now the settings panel is particularly useful if you have a third party camera. You can access the settings by going to Show Webcam Settings Panel.

Once you run it it appears here at the top of the screen as an icon. Once you get it, then you can run it from Launchpad. If you look at the listing here in the Mac App Store you will see some good reviews and a lot of information about it. If you search you will find a lot of video podcasters and Mac users talking about this app so it is getting very popular. Just search for Webcam Settings and it comes up right away.

You have to search for it in the Mac App Store. The Webcam Settings App is so useful and so basic you would think it would come with your Mac. On today's episode let me tell you about the Webcam Settings App. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out Webcam Settings App at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.